Small Details

Clearances inside a fuel injector are measured in ten-thousandths of an inch, and the duration they open and close is measured in milliseconds. Injectors...

Communication Breakdown – A step-by-step installation of a racing radio system

For sprint racing, you can get away without having a radio communication system and a spotter at the other end. At least for a...

Fuel Supply and Demand

Imagine screaming down the front straight at your favorite track, when suddenly your engine begins to bog and sputter. You look over at the...

Cog Choice – How to Choose the Right Gear Ratios

Gears are expensive and hard to get to, so we are all motivated to get the right transmission and final drive gear ratios in...

Bushing Science

We all know what suspension bushings do. But beyond replacing stock rubber bushings with polyurethane models, what is the science behind these parts? What...

In Living Color – How to live-stream video to the world wide web

It probably wasn’t long after heli skiers started lashing GoPro cameras onto their helmets that racers started bolt them to their roll cages. Nowadays,...

Up in the Air – Lifting a Toyota Tundra without sacrificing practicality or towing...

Lots of people love lifting their trucks and adding huge tires. It looks great, but it destroys much of its practicality, specifically when used...

I Speed at Night – Installing Lighted Enduro Number Panels

In endurance racing, it’s critical for crew and officials to be able to identify your car at night. Sure, your crew might know which...

Time Out of Mind – Installing a hard-wired AMB transponder

By the time you get to HPDE3, you’re eager to monitor your lap times in the perennial effort to get faster. You can do...

Straightened Six – Refreshing a cylinder head on a Spec E30

When it comes to affordability, Spec E30 offers some of the most cost-efficient racing on track today, especially if you can do a lot...