Hosting a Data Party

It’s often the case where in a given region that many racers wind up using the same data system. Those data systems record every...

Loud and Clear – Fitting and Processing Custom Silicone Radio Ear Buds

When I bought my radio setup, I was on a budget, so I went with the foam-tip setup. They worked just fine and I...

360-Degree Cameras – Advanced technology opens a new dimension for capturing racing video

Technology in video recording and presentation has been moving forward just as quickly as other technologies. As racers, we have seen advancements in video...

Raising the Bar – AEM enhances air-fuel-ratio measurement with its new X-series wideband sensor...

When AEM released its first wideband air-fuel-ratio gauge, just a little more than a decade ago, car tuning was beginning to emerge as the...

Processing Speed: AEM’s new Infinity-6 ECU has lightning-quick reflexes

Bisi Ezerioha of Bisimoto Engineering in Ontario, Calif., built a Honda Odyssey minivan for corporate Honda. It was one of the stranger projects he...

Priceless Data – the AiM Solo Has Made Data Acquisition a Lot More Affordable,...

Don’t guess when you can know. That statement is one of the philosophical foundations of science, engineering and racing. You can learn a lot...

Communication Breakdown – A step-by-step installation of a racing radio system

For sprint racing, you can get away without having a radio communication system and a spotter at the other end. At least for a...

In Living Color – How to live-stream video to the world wide web

It probably wasn’t long after heli skiers started lashing GoPro cameras onto their helmets that racers started bolt them to their roll cages. Nowadays,...

Time Out of Mind – Installing a hard-wired AMB transponder

By the time you get to HPDE3, you’re eager to monitor your lap times in the perennial effort to get faster. You can do...

Infinite Control – AEM’s new Infinity stand-alone engine management system does it all

When Daniel Wennerberg was preparing his BMW E46 M3 to compete at the NASA National Championships, he went beyond the stock engine management system,...