How To Fix German Car Problems

If you don’t count my Hot Wheels years, I’ve been playing with cars for more than three decades. I’ve wrenched on them, raced them...

Get Organized

Organization and planning are two things that can make a real difference in a team’s performance when the unexpected happens — and this is...

Weigh Your Fuel

Gasoline, you need it. For a racecar driver, gasoline is a necessity to go places, unless you are campaigning a Tesla Plaid. This magic...

Endurance Camera

You can’t go to a NASA race without seeing cars with GoPro cameras mounted all over the place. The relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use cameras...

Crew Shirts

There is a difference between being a racecar driver and owning a race team — and that difference is a $14 T-shirt. A racecar...

How to Find Your Next Racecar Without Compromises

Most amateur racecar drivers obsess over every detail of their cars. Well, in my experience, the psychotic successful racers do, anyway. These attention-to-detail car...

Build Your Own Wall of Shame — and Learn From it

Motorsports is an expensive place to learn life lessons. A lot of us have been educated on things the tough way in the School...

Sponsor Flags – Promotional flags lend a professional look

You can’t drive down the street these days without a huge promotional flag poking out of the ground trying to sell you a bigger...

Schedule Yourself For Success

I was at a NASA SoCal event in October and on Sunday I saw one of my fellow Honda Challenge competitors getting into his...

Build Your Own Inexpensive Trophies

If you have raced cars for any number of years, you probably have a large collection of trophies collecting dust stashed around your house...