Contemporary, Proven Chassis Gets a Modern Engine Transplant

The idea of transplanting a lighter powerplant into the venerable E46 has been discussed over the years, but it was only relatively recently that...

The Advantages of Cryogenic Processing

The biggest misconceptions about cryogenic processing are that it can change the size of parts and lead to brittle components. Those misconceptions can be...

Bit by Bit

When digital technology took over the mobile phone industry, the change from analog was rather quick. Because service providers would not be offering analog...

360-Degree Cameras – Advanced technology opens a new dimension for capturing racing video

Technology in video recording and presentation has been moving forward just as quickly as other technologies. As racers, we have seen advancements in video...

A Mini Goes Big – Adding a Wilwood big brake kit to a Mini...

The Mini Cooper S enjoys a reputation as fun, zippy little car that handles great. Now that prices on used S models have come...

Vehicle Scales, Level Garages and Corner Weighting

Weight is something we all deal with in racing. We have to speed weight up. We have to slow weight down. We have to...

Tech Matters: Back to Back

Toyo Tires offers comparison test drives in cars with its new R888R and its outgoing R888. There’s a special feeling waking up knowing that in...

Damper Tuning

As you drive a corner, your control inputs are constantly transitioning so that you can swing your car’s acceleration vector around at the right...

Installing a Set of AEM X-Series Engine Gauges

Oil pressure and water temperature are probably the most important things to monitor in a racecar, and if you’re allowed to play with air/fuel...

Fitting a Tall Driver in a Small Car — and Other Cage Tricks

The first question a tall Miata driver gets is, “How do you fit in it?” Well, a carefully constructed cage and a well-chosen seat and...