After battling for second place, Clint Boisdeau found himself battling for the lead, which...

Honda Challenge 2 began with eight screaming Hondas and Acuras blasting away from a standing start, with Jeremy Croiset leading from the pole. Croiset...

Tristan Littlehale battled Michael McAleenan early on, but McAleenan suffered a puncture and retired,...

During the qualifying races, it was Michael McAleenan and Tristan Littlehale who traded positions back and forth in GTS3. When the green flag dropped...

Ben Anderson repeated his Performance Touring E Championship from last year in 2015 at...

In the Performance Touring E race, Ben Anderson, driving his No. 38 Mazda RX-7, started from the pole, and when the green flag flew,...

Sandro Espinosa made some bold passes to take the win and the Championship in...

For the standing start, 32 German inline six-cylinders of the large Spec E30 field revved furiously as the drivers waited for the green flag...

No Trailer? No Problem

Terry Rossi didn’t want to miss the NASA Western States Championships. He was committed to making the event at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca just...

Jon Van Caneghem repeated his 2014 Championship at the Western States Championships in 2015...

The Super Unlimited race this year looked to be a repeat of 2014’s epic battle at Sonoma Raceway between Jon Van Caneghem in a...

NASA SoCal racer Joshua Allan brought home the win and the Performance Touring D...

The Performance Touring D Championship race had Florida’s Eric Powell in his Mazda Miata starting at the back of the nine-car grid. Powell wasn’t...

Mark Drennan scored the Spec Miata Championship despite electrical gremlins hampering a good finish...

Mark Drennan was able to pull off a spectacular victory in Spec Miata at the NASA Western States Championships Presented by Toyo Tires. The...

Dave Schotz drove his C4 Corvette to a win and the Championship in Performance...

The Performance Touring C qualifying races had Dave Schotz in his freshly built No. 75 1991 Chevrolet Corvette battling against Tim Auger in his...

WERC Racers Battle Heat and Darkness at Buttonwillow

When 28 teams took to the grid for the 6:30 p.m. start of round two of the Western Endurance Racing Challenge series at Buttonwillow...