A Hero’s Story – A Racer Escapes from a Fiery Crash, Only to Go...

On Thursday at the NASA Championships during open practice for the German Touring Series, Greg Panik was driving his blue GTS1 Porsche 944, entering...

People Make The Difference

The NASA Championships are the crown jewel of our racing season, and this year’s event was no different. In years past, I have been...

New Jersey Motorsports Park – Millville, N.J.

Over the past few years, many racetracks have gone away from the concept of a basic track facility and have begun to position and...

Is Getting A Racing License Easy?

I still remember how nervous I was before I took the test to get my provisional racing license. Hoping to get some encouraging words,...

Q&A: Garth Stein, author of “The Art of Racing in the Rain”

Before a trans-Atlantic flight, John Doonan, Mazda North American Operations’ Motorsports Director, picked up Garth Stein’s best-selling novel “The Art of Racing in the...

Friends and Benefits – A NASA membership gets you more than access to tracks...

Sometimes you have to wonder about the value in the gym membership you haven’t used in a year, or buying a new iPhone when...

Two Passions

Not long after I had moved out of my parent’s home, I had come for Sunday dinner when my mother pointed me to a...

Nick Riefner

Name: Nick Riefner Age: 44 Region: Florida Hometown: Winter Haven, Fla. Racing Class: GTS1 Sponsors: N-Tech Motorsport, Central Florida Roofing LLC, BDH Construction, Campbell Law of Lakeland, Fla. Day Job: Race shop owner N-Tech Motorsport Favorite Food:  Chocolate anything Favorite...

Things Remembered

The summer months are a special time of year to enjoy activities with family and friends. Driving on a road race circuit is one...

How to Train a Dragon

One of the subjects that has most interested me since my first days of involvement, and especially now as NASA’s director of mentoring, are...