Chris Griswold

Name: Chris Griswold Age: 45 Region: Midwest Hometown: Helenville, Wisc. Racing Class:  AIX Sponsors: G & V Machine Company, Hoosier Tire, DSS Racing Engines, Maximum Motorsports, Roltek Transmissions, Car Craft Auto Body Day Job: V.P. of Operations...

Putting Teens in Control – Staging a NASA Car Control Clinic is as rewarding...

The leading cause of fatalities among young adults ages 16 to 24 is not guns or drugs or suicide. It’s car crashes. Let that...

Be Careful What You Wish For

Years ago, when NASA officially announced the first National Championships at Mid-Ohio, I thought, “Wouldn’t it be cool to have the championships travel around...

No Time For Champagne

Not long after the last few champagne corks popped at Eastern States Championships at Road Atlanta, I was buckled in my rental car, blasting...

One Lap Around – Sonoma Raceway

Whether you have a thousand laps at Sonoma Raceway, or if NASA’s Western States Championships will be your first visit, Sonoma Raceway can be...

Racing and Life

“When you’re racing, it’s life. Anything that happens before and after is just waiting.” That quote is from the 1971 movie “Le Mans,” which starred...

How to Rotate a Car

You hear lot of people saying you have to “rotate” the car in a turn. How exactly do you rotate car? To answer the question,...

Jay Pellegrini III

Name: Jay Pellegrini III Age: 30 Region: NOLA Hometown: Covington, La. Racing Class: Nissan Spec Z Sponsors: Nissan, Nexgen BF Goodrich, Motul, Uprez Day job: Nexgen Motorsport Favorite food: Brisket Favorite TV Show: “Game of Thrones” Favorite Movie: “Top Gun” Favorite Book: “Time to Kill” Favorite...

Sonoma Raceway

The inaugural NASA Western States Championships will take place November 7-9, 2014 at Sonoma Raceway in Sonoma, Calif. Not only is the track a...

Changing Times

I will be turning the big 4-0 later this year. Saying that publicly gives me an inexplicable chill up my spine, but at the...