Timeout With: Jim VanderVliet
Jim VanderVliet is a driver and a racer at heart. His racing career started over 15 years ago when he attended a vintage road...
Driving Tips: Progress After Plateau
Q: How do I make the most of my practice sessions?
A: As mentioned last month, there is a risk of getting stuck in an...
Life’s Riches
Travel is the only thing that costs money, yet makes you richer. I don’t remember where I first heard that phrase — or words...
Isn’t it Ironic?
Ironic, i·ron·ic; adjective; 1) using or characterized by irony; 2) happening in the opposite way to what is expected, and typically causing wry amusement...
My Best Crewmember
I rolled off pit lane and drove back to our paddock. A dozen thoughts raced through my head. “Why isn’t the car working like...
Crash Survival
For utmost safety and preparedness, optimize your driver and your equipment
When I started racing karts more than 50 years ago, serious and fatal injuries...
Timeout With: Matt Rivard
Matt Rivard is the Regional Director for NASA Central. He has raced many different platforms, including Mazda Miatas and RX-8’s and even a Ford...
Reaching the Pinnacle
I remember when I was a kid, my father made one thing clear to me. The pinnacle of motorsports in the world is Formula...
Knock-Off Hood Latches Fail
NASA Mid-Atlantic GTS3 racer Roberto Crescencio said he enjoyed our “Toolshed Engineer” story on how to install AeroCatch hood latches because he learned first...
Reaching the Pinnacle
I remember when I was a kid, my father made one thing clear to me. The pinnacle of motorsports in the world is Formula...