Last-Lap Battles Are the Best

Last-lap battles are the best, like this one between Michael Gerowitz in his Porsche 944 and Dan Fargo in his Mazda Miata in Performance...

RF1 Brake Fluid: The Best for Less

There is perhaps no single vehicle safety system more important in racing than brakes, and no single part of that system is more critical...

Time Out With Shawn Meze

NASA National named Shawn Meze as its Technical Director of Racing in February 2018. Responsible for cultivating the growth and technical aspects of new...

Racing In Gratitude

In light of the recent loss of life, wildlife and homes due to the devastating fires in California, I’ve been giving a lot of...

New E3S Enduro Class for Spec Miata, Spec E30 and 944 Spec Cars

NASA has created a new subset of its E3 enduro class called E3S. The “S” stands for spec and the new class includes NASA’s...

Toyo Tires Renews as Official Tire of NASA and Announces New Contingencies Payout Plans

For the 17th consecutive year, Toyo Tires has been named the official tire of the National Auto Sport Association. “We’re proud of our long partnership...

Never Been Apart

The mind tends to wander when you’re out tinkering in the garage. It happens to me all the time, and lately it seems to...

NASA Central Region Announces New Series Leaders for Spec Miata and American Iron Series

Quinten Jordan has been named NASA Central’s new Spec Miata series leader for 2019. NASA Central extends its thanks to Zane Dexter, who held...

Ali Salih Weaves Through Spec E30 Traffic

Ali Salih weaves through Spec E30 traffic in his Spec E46 during the 2016 Eastern States Championships at Watkins Glen International Raceway. Some good...

Hyundai Veloster Turbo

The Hyundai Veloster has always been a great car with a unique look. For 2018, it was heavily revised, but the basic look stayed...