Thunder Roadster has been a popular class in certain NASA Regions around the country, and it’s always great fun to watch the Championships races because of how closely matched the cars are. Thunder Roadster is now recognized as a national class. You can read the rules HERE.
The cars are available in two preparation levels, one and two. Level one uses an old-school Yamaha 1200 cc of 1250 cc engine. Level two uses a newer stock Suzuki Hayabusa engine, also known as the GTR spec. This is the prep level you’re most likely to see at the Championships.
In addition to the close competition, the Thunder Roadster GTR is probably the fastest racecar for the money in all of NASA’s classes. They run ST2/ST3 lap times. Tires are affordable and long-lasting. Good cars are readily available used for around $7,500 and new cars are available from U.S. Legends Cars and Toys by Tink.
For more information visit:
Toys by Tink
U.S. Legends Cars
Having started road racing in 1956 in a Singer SM1500 there was no car as much fun for me as a Thunder Roadster.