Wristband Hack
Credit for this tip goes to NASA SoCal’s Ryan Althoff, who is an HPDE instructor and a racer. He takes a Sharpie marker and...
Establishing Habits of Good Vision
I have to admit, as I look back at some of my driving experiences on and off the track, there have been moments when...
Time Out With Shawn Meze
NASA National named Shawn Meze as its Technical Director of Racing in February 2018. Responsible for cultivating the growth and technical aspects of new...
Taking Racing off the Streets
MotorGospel Ministries’ Aaron Schwartzbart partners with local law enforcement and NASA SoCal to create a winning anti-street-racing campaign.
Angel Rodriguez was in handcuffs in police...
Picking Your Spot
Typically, when you go to a racetrack to watch a professional race, there are places you can park and places where you most definitely...
What Car Did You Bring, Friend?
Venturing out onto a road course in a street car that very first time is a lonely experience. All that brave talk just a...
Time Out With Lynn Kehoe, Shift Up Now Racing
Kehoe’s passion for girls’ education led to the formation of Shift Up Now, a female racing team she uses to promote and inspire courage...
The HPDE Journey
You finalized your registration for your first ever event with NASA and you checked the box for a weekend of on-track driving in HPDE1....
Time Out with Will Faules
Former NASA National Events Manager Will Faules moved to Texas a few years ago and took over leadership of the Texas Region. Now he’s...
Time Out with Brian Bohlander
A major part of the job of series leader is to lead and grow a given class within a region. There are no hard...