NASA Time Trial driver Eric Kennel spends many of his weekends at the track jumping back and forth between a TT6 Toyota MR2 and a TT2 C6 Corvette Z06. It’s not an easy transition to make, but Kennel has it down to the point where he was able to pick up the TT1 lap record in the Vette at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway.

Kennel gets a nice clean lap on one of the most enjoyable tracks in the NASA Southern California Region, and logged a 1:45.34-second lap time. Great lap with that glorious General Motors LS soundtrack. Enjoy.

Images courtesy of VeitchCreative and CaliPhoto


    • Keanu Reeves is more into motorcycles. He did learn stunt driving for his movies. It would be interesting to see how fast he is in a car on a track. Seriously doubt he’d be anywhere this fast though.

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