With a little bit of planning, you can put yourself in the right spot and then make a pass and make it stick. That’s what NASA Northeast Honda Challenge 2 racer Chris Vera did at the last event of the season on the Lightning course at New Jersey Motorsports Park in this installment of the NASA Racing Gear Store Move of the Month.
Vera had lost a position to No. 517 Zephyr Belski in the opening lap, and he wanted it back. Vera hung on the back bumper of Belski, and planning where he could make his move. Turn 7 on the Lightning course is an ideal place to pass, and after trailing Belski for a lap, Vera put himself just to inside and waited for Belski to brake. Once he saw the brake lights, he released bit of his own brake pressure, made a clean move to the inside and made it stick as he scampered through turns 8, 9 and 10 on his back onto the front straight.