CMS Product Spotlight: Aim Sports Solo 2 Lap Timer

The single most important metric in racing is your lap time. Buy a dependable lap timer and you can change absolutely nothing about your car’s setup and still know whether you’re improving as a driver. In fact, the less you change your setup when you’re starting out, the more you can attribute your gains directly to your own performance.

With that in mind, I suggest everyone breaking into the motorsports world purchase an AiM Sports Solo 2 Lap Timer available at Competition Motorsport, and be sure to take advantage of your CMS NASA Member Benefits! The Solo was a game-changer for many of us when it was released, and it still is today, now in its second iteration.

If you can press a button, you can use the Solo 2. It’s really that simple. Just turn it on and its internal GPS will locate you automatically and select the track you’re on based on the GPS location. It knows when you cross the starting line and starts timing all on its own. The Solo 2 is quite literally the easiest and most effective tool you can use when you’re getting started. Thankfully though, the money you spend won’t be relegated to the garage shelf once you become more advanced. It’s predictive lap times and on-screen data display after each session will be useful until the day you retire from driving on a racetrack. Starting at $399.


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