Dino Luzzi Energy Drink Signs Onto NASA Member Benefits Program

When you’re at the 2021 NASA Championships Presented by Toyo Tires, be sure to stop in the vendor village and sample some Dino Luzzi Energy Drink, an Italian beverage company that is now part of NASA’s Member Benefits program. 

Dino Luzzi is a delicious and exhilarating refreshment distinguished from its competitors by its decidedly non-metallic after taste. Dino Energy Drink also uses a minimal amount of taurine, which is abundant in almost all other energy drinks. Along with its distinguished health protocols, Dino Energy Drink is known for its delicious taste.

Dino Luzzi is now a proud supporter of NASA, and is offering an exclusive discount to NASA members with a 10 percent discount and free shipping on Dino Luzzi Energy Drinks. Use code italian10 at checkout. Visit Dino Luzzi Energy Drink for more information!


  1. Taurine is actually good for you. It’s one of the most abundant amino acids in the body and good for heart, brain, muscle mass, etc.
    As with so many of these energy drinks, what you worry about is what’s not good for you.
    I just take supplements, eat right and drink water.

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