The Five Reference Points Of Every Corner

In most corners, look for geographic landmarks close to the edge or on the track itself that are close to where you want to attack the brakes or begin turn-in.

What are the five reference points of every corner? They’re taught in different ways in different schools, but at, this is how we teach them:

1) Exit Apex
2) Entry Apex
3) Slowest Point Of The Corner
4) Turn-In Point
5) Initial Brake Application Spot

An important note here is that some of these reference points will be fixed in each corner and some will have subtle changes. The first three of our five reference points are what we call “fixed” reference points, meaning they never change.

The turn-in point and initial brake application reference points are adjustable. We will absolutely have a reference for each one, but depending on your vehicle, the weather conditions, tire conditions, fuel load, etc. they are references that drivers and riders have to make adjustments on.

How Do I Find My Fixed Reference Points?

To find our entry apex, we must first find our exit apex. Everything stems from first determining where we want our car to end up at corner exit. So, by first determining where our exit apex is and the angle of the vehicle we want at that apex. We can then easily find our entry apex.

How Do I Find My Adjustable Reference Points?

In most corners, we will look for geographic landmarks close to the edge or on the track itself that are close to where we want to attack the brakes or start our turn-in.

The important thing here is to remain flexible. If we identify the 400 board as our brake zone, it doesn’t mean we want to exclusively brake at the 400 board. We use that board as a reference point, not as a line we absolutely must brake at.

As our tires wear, we might need to brake earlier. As the grip increases, we may be able to brake deeper. The same is true for our turn-in point, which may fluctuate a small amount, but finding that reference point allows us to be much more consistent in our actions on track.

Why Are Reference Points So Important?

These are the things we should be looking at! Finding reference points in each corner gives your eyes a specific path to follow so that they are always “up.”

By giving your eyes something to focus on in each specific phase of the corner, it naturally helps you focus on the correct things. If you are focused on the corner exit right as you turn in, you aren’t going to have a very good entry.

As you work on this you will find you will likely need to spend more time on each reference point in each corner. has a great video on training your eyes on its YouTube channel.

The offseason is a great time to work on hitting the ground running and taking your driving to the next level in 2021! If you have any questions on how Racers360 can help you during this offseason, please email us anytime at or visit


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